Additional services

In addition to therapy, I am able to provide additional services, including teaching and training, consultation, research and media contribution.

Please see below for a selection of feedback from a variety of in-person and online training events I have done, as well as feedback from regular webinar’s that I present.

  • I can offer companies, organisations and teams bespoke training on mental health and wellbeing. This can include LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace, LGBTQ+ mental health and wellbeing, stress management, anxiety management, sharing lived experiences and working with specific difficulties (such as self-harm, suicidality, interpersonal difficulties etc). Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your specific teaching and training needs.

  • Perhaps you don’t want therapy, but you do wish to discuss difficulties with someone, or seek advice on behalf of another. I provide consultation services to individuals, groups and teams.

  • I can provide reflective practice space for teams and groups that wish to have external facilitation.

  • I am available for advice and consultation on research involvement and research activity.

  • If you would like to discuss any specific media enquiries, or contributions to media production (including writing, radio and TV) then please do get in touch.